Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Apartment Life

It seems like there's snow all over the place in the US. Well, let me tell you, I woke up last night at 3 a.m because I was really hot. So I had to turn on my air-conditioning. I don't know what it's going to be like in May...

Since I get up before the sun rises every morning, I usually get to see the sunrise. There was one particular morning a few days ago that was especially beautiful. Here is the sunrise that I saw from my bedroom window.

The quality of life this semester is much better than last semester. It's nice to live off campus because it makes it easier to realize that there is a life that exists outside of school...however, that life isn't anything too big because I pretty much only eat and do homework when I get back from school. In order to liven things up yesterday while we were eating our shrimp scampi (yum!), Rachel and I decided to have Lucy prove that "she is not weak" by having her eat a tablespoon of salt. I'm not sure how much of it she spat out and how much of it she actually ate, but needless to say, it must have tasted pretty bad.

Today in my Arabic listening class--which is going to give me stress ulcers--we learned the vocabulary for Eskimos living in the North Pole who kill a polar bear and then use the skin as a "beautiful carpet." Some vocabulary is just so beneficial to my life...

One other random thing--this is the plant that is growing out of one of our bathroom's sink (we never use this bathroom so I was really surprised when I found it a few days ago). I'm hoping that before too long we'll be able to pick produce from our bathroom. Wouldn't that be great?!

Have a good Tuesday!

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