Saturday, January 9, 2010

Desert Life & More Pictures

Well, Corey just left this morning after what seemed like 2 days. It's hard to believe that he was really here for 2 weeks. I have a lot more pictures from our trip posted here.

Tomorrow I leave for Turkey. Corey and I met a Japanese couple in the desert yesterday who had just gotten back from Turkey, so they were able to give some recommendations of where to go and what to see. Once again, they are more people who say that Turkey is an awesome place to visit, so I'm very much looking forward to it. I'll keep you all updated on how things go...

I hear that there's plenty of snow and cold weather in Ohio right now! That's fun...2 nights ago Corey and I camped outside in the Western desert and it got down to 38 degrees. I was seriously freezing. Good thing our guide had a zillion blankets for us. It was amazing being able to fall asleep under the stars (no tent). I don't think I have ever seen so many stars in my life. It was beautiful. We even got to see a Phoenix desert fox who was interested in the chicken bones from our dinner.

Traveling in the desert went without a hitch, except for when our jeep wouldn't start in the morning. We tried to get it started (our guide even was sucking and blowing on the gas line; I'm not sure what that does), but nothing worked. Eventually we were able to catch another jeep that happened to be driving by, and he helped us get it started by pulling our jeep behind his.

Have a good Saturday!!!

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