Sunday, December 20, 2009

Four Neck Braces, Please

It's been a few days since I've updated the blog because I've been galavanting all over tarnation. As most of my friends head back to the U.S. and other places, we've had a lot of last minute things to do and see. And, of course, we don't have our own cars in Egypt, so we rely on others to get us from Point A to Point B, usually via taxi.

The taxi cab drivers are generally very skilled at weaving in and out of traffic, communicating with each other by a unique horn and light combination, and knowing where places are. But sometimes they tend to drive really fast. And sometimes they tend to not see the speed bumps. The thing is, the speed bumps in Egypt aren't really bumps; they're more like mini-mountains. If you're going 100 kph over one of these unmarked death bumps, then you have a really good chance at going airborne, coming down with a big ol' crash. Fun, fun times.

So after mangling our necks, we went to see the movie Avatar. It's an entertaining movie, but I wish that Cameron's underlying messages weren't so overtly obvious (very strongly antiwar, pro-environmentalism, mixed with some new-age type stuff). He incorporated phrases like, "Fight terror with terror," and others that made it all too obvious what he was trying to convey. Overall, though, I'd recommend it for its entertainment value, which, I suppose, is what movies should be about.

I'll be packing my room in the next two days. I'll be living in downtown Cairo for a few days while I wait for Corey to get here. While it's sad that the semester is ending, I'm exciting to do a whole country tour over the next few weeks and then head off to Turkey for two weeks.

Have a good Monday!

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