Monday, July 11, 2011

Trip to the Imperial Cities

This weekend was our whirlwind tour of 3 Moroccan cities--Meknes, Fes, and Rabat. I won't go into all the details because I think the trip can best be described through pictures, which you can find by clicking here (same album as before; new pictures are at the end).

Fes was by far my favorite city. It's narrow roads in the old medina (city) are overwhelmingly full of smells, sounds, and sights. Though cars aren't allowed, or capable, of travelling on these streets, you have to be careful of the mules that haul vendors' goods to their shops. At one point we saw a man get his foot stepped on by one of the mules. He wasn't too happy...

The items in the souk change depending on where you are. There's a fruit and vegetable section, a clothing section, a shoe section, a meat section, and leather section, etc. Probably the most memorable thing I saw was in the meat section--goat heads and camel (?) feet. As appetizing at they looked, I decided not to buy them. However, later for lunch I had probably the best meal that I've had yet in Morocco...but it was chicken; nothing too exotic.

If it wasn't for the heat, our time in Fes would have been perfect. I especially had a good time at night when things cooled off a little bit and we were able to explore the city and sit in the park for awhile and just chat or drink lemon juice.

It's another week of classes this week. Friday I'm going back to my Moroccan family's house and then on the weekend we're going to a music festival. Right now I really need to get some sleep...

Have a good Monday!

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