I've never seen anything like this before, and I thought it was funny...and therefore, blog-worthy:

In other news, this week's copy of The Caravan came out today. Of the 11 English articles, all but one of them had the words "swine flu", "H1N1", or "virus," making a total of 64 instances of those wonderfully over-used words in the whole newspaper.
There was even an article about designer face masks. You know those of us who are in the Gucci corner would not dare be seen with a grossly white face mask...that would be an unspeakable outrage!
Happy Sunday!
sadly, swine-flu is taking over everywhere... i have a student who has been out for over a week now because his brother has the swine-flu. indiana health department has started advertizing getting flu-shots on tv. if you ask me, it's a ploy by the hand-sanitizer companies to get people to buy their prodcut! =)
Oh, no! I'm really hoping that we don't close later this semester...Last week alone Purdue treated 63 students for flu-like symptoms...
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