Today we went on a trip to the pyramids! It was awesome; it was also very hot. But hey, what do you expect when you're in the middle of the desert? Without further ado, here's the link to the pictures:

This is a picture of where I'm living. The dorms are really nice, especially compared to what I lived in at Purdue. When I get around to it, I'll try to get more pictures of campus, but the campus police don't like us taking pictures. Lame.

I didn't add many captions to those pictures, because they're all pretty much self explanitory. These three other pictures I pulled out so I could explain them.
I bought this cereal, 3 bottles of soap, 1 liter of Coke, 3 liters of water, and 2 cartons of juice for about $6. Just sayin'. Oh, and by the way, Poppins Honey Flakes are A-mazing.
Directly across from the dorms is the AUC Sports Center. It too is very nice, except for the pool, which is "closed indefinitely" (good thing too because the water is dark green right now) and the sign on the door to the indoor track reads, "We have no idea when the track will be finished." At least they're honest. Overall, very good facilities.
You should try to get a sample of that green water for me. I bet I could tell you some of the nasties floating around in there! :-)
1. How long until you start being uber-Euro-cool and spelling it "litres"? Or writing things like "colour"?
2. How do you manage to post video so easily? I tried earlier but maybe I had too big a file.
3. Miss our Saturday morning/afternoon conversations! ps, Analeigh says hi!
Also, pps: are the campus police EVERYWHERE? How can they see you if you're discreetly trying to take a picture? They must be intense ;)
1) Gross. Won't happen.
2) Your file was probably too big. If it's longer than a minute, it may not work. There is a limit as to the size of file you can upload. And it will probably take a long time to upload...
3) I really miss our conversations. We need to have a skype conference sometime.
4) Yes, the police are everywhere! They're practically at every building! It's intense. But I guess I'd rather be safe...
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